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After all the “useable” bits are taken what good are the things that are left?

Who decides that they have to be useful and what even is useful?

Upon closer inspection all sorts of things come to the fore. Colours, patterns, insect holes, twists in the grain and knot and rot holes all join together into objects that wish to be held and touched.

Not everything has to be something. It can just be.



Orignally 15 woodblocks, now 10 re-arrangeable blocks which were installed as part of the exhibition 'Raw - Tactile Viscera' at the Guildhall in Lavenham, September 2024. 


 Hand carved from Hazel, Corylus avellana, heartwood, coppiced from the Guildhall garden.

Hand sanded and finished. Oiled with hemp oil.



    Tingo Ergo Sum

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