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Welcome . . .
. . .  to the wonderful woody world of The Woodland Haberdasher
Art, craft and workshops for the curious


Spring has sprung . . .


and plans are afoot! I'm still having a ball tucked away in the Spoon Room and slowly working my way through the wood pile, but I'm also planning ahead for workshops and events in the summer and autumn. All the dates are now up for workshops at Starston, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Cambridge Art Makers. There may be a few more fair type things towards the end of the year but all the important dates are settled.

The webshop is in need of an update. I had a lovely time at Textiles East and sold out of fabric! Oh no, I have to dye some more!

I'm making headway with new ideas, forrays into 4 shaft loom weaving and turning natural colours into lake pigments rather than dyes. There is alot of tests and samples to make before some bigger pieces but the ball is now rolling.

Photo taken by Richard Allenby-Pratt, The Suffolk Project


Keep in touch?

Occasional emails about new and upcoming events, workshops and fairs




Tingo Ergo Sum

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